Monday, November 28, 2011

{Photog} Some Kind and Delicious Family Ties

Meet the Y family. I began working with mom years ago as a teacher- me fresh out of college. I'll never forget, that she was the first to compliment me and encourage me on the work I was doing. I still have the copy of the note she wrote me. While she probably didn't think much about it, those words will stay with me forever. They (Jesus and my mom) say that what ever is in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth. It became extremely clear to me as we became friends that "that note" is what her heart is filled with.
Over the years, she began her family of uber-gorgeous kiddos (it's easy when you're a hot momma with a handsome hubby), and I continued to watch her (Yikes! Is it sounding a little stalker-ish?) fill her family's hearts with those same kinds of kind words and acts. When they are around, a calming warmth consumes you, and suddenly all is right in the world. I feel like I need a blanket to snuggle.
So, naturally, I feel like it shows in their portraits. It sounds sappy, but I teared up the first time I went through all of their images. Then I went and snuggled my own kids and told them how "delicious" they were. They kind of made a whining noise and pushed at me so they could go back to sleep. :) I hope this preview makes you feel calm and warm and want to snuggle a blanket.

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